Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prince of Darkness

He came at night, my dark angel,
With gleaming eyes of red,
The prince of darkness, or the king perhaps,
A seventh heaven from hell.

He was cold as ice and pale as snow,
With face of god himself,
Yet he’s no god, but devil’s own,
Who sets forbidden flames aglow.

He spoke of words, no bard knew,
Words that dripped of honey,
Closer he stepped, a new world unveiled,
As His dark enchantment grew.

He held my face, caught his breath,
His fingers graceful, skilled.
To my throat he brought his lips,
To plant his kiss of death.

He drank my blood, imbibed my soul,
And yet I felt no pain,
He had me gripped under his spell,
Fulfilling his infernal goal.

He seized my heart, me- His eternal prisoner,
Captured, bewitched and conquered.
Yet I long to stay this way forever,
In arms of my Vampire lover.


DeEpAk said...

Wow.. :) So ur vampire craze drove you to write this.. It was so cool.. Liked every line of it.. You hav said exactly what its like to be a gal bitten by vampire.. Good job.. :)

It was like a Voice-over in a movie scene.. Keep writing more.. If urs is good enough.. We'll approach Stephanie Mayer.. ;)

Sakthi said...

THIS IS REAL SWEET FANTASY! This one is irresistably good! Very romantic and feminine! I Simply Love This and I swear!!!